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Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP)

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What is MAEAP ?

The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) is a voluntary initiative designed to help landowners assess and address soil and water quality concerns on their properties. While initially created to support farmers, the program has since expanded to provide technical assistance to landowners with forested areas, wetlands, and wildlife habitats as well.

MAEAP is a confidential, non-regulatory program where landowners are in full control of their participation. It is entirely voluntary, allowing property owners to choose their level of involvement.

Benefits of Participating in MAEAP

Participants in the MAEAP program can access a variety of incentives, including:​

  • Access to free educational resources

  • Special assistance during environmental emergencies

  • Opportunities for cost-share funding from the Kent Conservation District for items such as chemical spill kits, concrete pads for fuel and chemical loading, soil and water testing, and more.

  • Landowners receive a MAEAP sign to display, symbolizing their commitment to sustainable practices and fostering positive community recognition. The program is open to all Michigan landowners, regardless of property size or type.

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MAEAP Recognition Categories

There are four main categories of MAEAP recognition:

  1. Cropping

  2. Livestock

  3. Farmstead

  4. Forest, Wetlands, and Habitat

This flexible framework allows landowners to pursue certification in the category that best matches their property and practices.

Contact Us

Michael Ewing, MAEAP/CTAP Coordinator



Information about free drinking well water sampling

This is a no-cost opportunity to ensure the safety and quality of your well water. Rest assured, all results are confidential and will not be shared.

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