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American Highbush Cranberry is a good wildlife food and cover plant for small mammals and birds. Twigs are eaten by deer, moose and beaver. Fruits are a staple winter food for ruffed grouse and are eaten sparingly by pheasants and at least five species of songbirds. Humans find the fruit tart but edible and excellent as a preserve or sauce.

It is an attractive flowering landscape plant for use in odd areas or in group plantings around homes and farm ponds. The fruit is a bright red which increases its ornamental value. Combined, its characteristics make it useful as a dual purpose food plant and ornamental.

Contributed by: USDA NRCS Plant Materials Program

Click here for more information from USDA-NRCS.

American Highbush Cranberry

  • The shrub is useful as a medium tall hedge or border for screening or a windbreak.

    Scientific nameViburnum trilobum/opulus
    Seedling size: 24+ inches
    Height: 8-12 feet
    Growth Rate: Slow
    Soil Type: Mesic to dry.
    Salt sensitive: Very
    Sun: Full sun
    Michigan Native: Yes

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