Beak Grass is a decorative native grass ideal for shaded areas. This clump-forming plant features glossy green leaves about 3/4” wide, forming a grassy base approximately 18” tall. Its flowering stalks can grow up to 30”, leaning as the flowers mature. Blooming occurs from early to midsummer, transitioning into distinctive seed heads shaped like bird beaks, which give the grass its name. By late summer and early fall, the beaked grains become a standout feature, while the broad, arching leaves turn golden in autumn and pale tan during winter.
Native to the rich forests and woodlands of the central Midwest and upper Mid-Atlantic regions, Beak Grass is considered rare, threatened, or endangered in parts of its natural range. It thrives in high-quality woodlands, along riverbanks, and in partially wooded areas, where it tolerates seasonal flooding. This grass is an excellent choice for stabilizing stream banks and serves as a medium-height ground cover for shaded spaces. It prefers light shade, loamy or clay soil, and the presence of decaying leaves. Low-maintenance and versatile, Beak Grass adds beauty and function to shade gardens while supporting native ecosystems.
Beak Grass
Blooms: July
Soil: Clay and Loam (medium to wet moist soil)
Height: 1 to 3 feet
Sun: Prefers full sun to partial shade
Habitat Type: Birds and Deer Resistant