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Cooper-Shouldered Oval Sedge is a great food source for insects and birds, including grasshoppers, pheasants, prairie chickens, and sparrows. Can be sown directly in late fall or early spring. Can be used in rain gardens, bioretention areas, banks and slopes, sedge meadows, and garden plantings. It is a good companion for shortgrass flower gardens. Tolerates a range of soils, including clay, loam, peat, and sand.

Cooper-Shouldered Oval

  • Scientific name: Carex Bicknell

    Blooms: April-May

    Soil: This sedge can grow in a variety of soils, including clay, loam, peat, and sand. It can tolerate drought and does well in full sun or light shade. 

    Height: 1-3 feet tall it is a medium size upright sedge with a tufted shape that can be used as a broder plant. 

    Sun: Does well in full sun or light shade. 

    Habitat Type: Birds, Grasshoppers, and more

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