Red cedar and other junipers are important to wildlife throughout the country. Their twigs and foliage are eaten extensively by hoofed browsers, but the chief attraction to wildlife is the bluish-black berry-like fruit. The cedar waxwing is one of the principal users of red cedar berries, but numerous other birds and mammals, both large and small, make these fruits an important part of their diet. In addition to their wildlife food value, cedars provide important protective and nesting cover. Chipping sparrows, robins, song sparrows, and mockingbirds use these trees as one of their favorite nesting sites. Juncos, myrtle warblers, sparrows of various kinds, and other birds use the dense foliage as roosting cover. In winter, their dense protective shelter is especially valuable.
Contributed by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center, Carlinville (IL) Field Office, & Missouri State Office
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Red Cedar
For numerous tribes, the red cedar tree symbolizes the tree of life
Scientific name: Juniperus virginiana
Seedling size: 8-18 inches
Height: 25-50 feet
Growth Rate: Slow
Soil Type: Dry
Salt sensitive: Yes
Sun: Full
Michigan Native: Yes