Native to Michigan, the white spruce is used for windbreaks, landscaping, wildlife and Christmas trees. It is a highly significant source of food and cover of many wildlife species including wild turkey. It’s also good for soil stability, watershed value, and recreation. It was historically important for food, shelter, medicine, fuel, and other uses by American Indians, such as using the roots to lace birch bark onto canoes. Tolerates heat and drought.
Contributed by: Allegan Conservation District
Click here for more information from USDA-NRCS.
White Spruce
Used for windbreaks, wildlife, landscaping.
Scientific name: Picea glauca
Seedling size: 12-18 inches
Height: 40-100 feet
Growth Rate: Slow
Soil Type: Moist
Salt sensitive: Yes
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Michigan Native: Yes