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Volunteer Opporunities

Buckthorn Control Day 2019 at Huff Park_

The Kent Conservation District offers a range of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, welcoming individuals of all interests and skill levels who are passionate about protecting soil and water quality.


Volunteering with us is a rewarding way to make a positive impact in your community, and we’re always eager to welcome new volunteers!


Below, you’ll find a list of ways you can get involved. If one of these areas resonates with you—or if you have a unique idea to contribute—reach out to our office to take the first step toward becoming a volunteer.

Tree + Plant Sale

Document with Pen

Grant Writing

PR + Marketing

Bittersweet Action Day at Rockford Trail Oct 2020.jpg

Field Work


Office employee

Office Support

Volunteer Form

Please complete the form to share with KCD staff the areas you are interested in volunteering.

Thanks for submitting!

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